Looking for instructions on configuring price rules? Click here!
What is a Pricing Template?
A pricing template is a set of price rules that can be used to quickly change pricing on your store, easily copy pricing across selling channels, and change the pricing of Customer Groups so that the Customer Group gets special pricing.
To add a new pricing template, follow the steps below!
- Log into your account on manage.revolutionparts.com.
- Click on the gear in the top-right corner to access your account settings.
- In the left-side menu under "Selling Channels," select your store and then "Pricing."
- Once you're on the price rules page, it should look something like this:
- Click on the green "New Template" button.
- Give the new pricing template a name. Use something descriptive so you'll know what it is at a glance.
- If you have existing templates, you can copy the price rules from those templates (so that you don't have to start from scratch).
- When you're done, click the "Add Pricing Template" button
- That's it! Now your new template will be visible on the Pricing screen, and you can add/edit the pricing rules from this page.
To learn how to apply a pricing template to a specific Customer Group, click here.
Looking for instructions on configuring price rules? Click here!