- Log in to your Dashboard at manage.revolutionparts.com.
- Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
- Click on "Selling Channels" in the left-side menu, then your store, then "General."
- Highlight and copy your "Default Email."
- Follow the link to configure your Seller Central authorized emails.
- Under "Approved Senders", paste the email address into the box and click the "Add to List" button.
- Go back to your RevolutionParts Dashboard and follow the link to set up your notification preferences.
- For each notification you would like to receive in your Message Center, click the "Edit" button and add the default email address.
- The recommended/required notifications are the following:
- Merchant Order Notifications (Sold, Ship Now) (Required)
- Pending Returns
- Notices about returns (Required)
- Claims Notifications (Required)
- Notices about charges being disputed by buyers. (Required)
- Refund Notifications (Required)
- Notices about refunds issued to buyers
- Amazon Selling Coach Notifications
- Business Updates
- Technical Notifications
- Emergency Notifications
- Buyer Messages (Required)
- The recommended/required notifications are the following: