
This article will walk you through the steps to upload a custom Sale Price for Aftermarket catalog(s)!

You will have to have the COST data you want to use to calculate the sales price of your parts on your website or eBay. If you are looking to have different pricing across your selling channels, then you will need to upload two files.

Once you have received the COST data in an editable format (excel, CSV, etc.), follow the following steps. If you do not currently have cost data for the brands you want to upload, please reach out to the WD, Manufacturer, and or our Support team (for certain brands, we have cost data that we can provide to you). The uploads you will be doing are via .csv files. The cost calculations need to be done before you upload. Meaning, if you want your sales price on the website to be cost + 15% (for example), the price on the file will already have to reflect that.

To calculate the cost plus 15% in Excel, you can use a simple formula. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Assume the original cost is in cell A1.
  2. In the cell where you want to calculate the cost plus 15%, enter the following formula:
=A1 * 1.15

This formula multiplies the original cost in cell A1 by 1.15 (which represents adding 15%).

For example:

  • If the original cost in cell A1 is 100, the formula will return 115.

 Apply that to the entire column that has the cost, then format the file following the these steps:


How to upload your pricing manually (scroll to the bottom of the page to find out how to automate these uploads):

  1. Log into the platform:
  2. Download our bulk upload Pricing & Shipping file template and open it in Excel (or a similar spreadsheet program).  CLICK HERE
    (note: You'll need to be logged into the platform to be able to click the link)

  3. You only need 3 columns filled out to update the pricing, PARTNUMBERBRAND, and SALESPRICE and/or SHIPPINGPRICE.

  4. Add the part numbers, brands, and desired sale prices to your spreadsheet for all parts you want to update. Be sure to keep all other columns in the spreadsheet - do not delete the unused columns.
  5. Save your spreadsheet (be sure to keep it in CSV format).
  6. On your Dashboard, click on the Gear icon in the upper-right corner.
  7. Select Bulk then Imports from the left-side menu.
  8. Click on the green New Import button.
  9. From the drop-down menu, select Pricing and Shipping.

  10. Click the Select File button, choose the CSV that you updated earlier and hit OK.
  11. Select the store where you want your new sale price to apply.

    BE AWARE: the Sale Price field is a store specific field, meaning it can only be applied to one store at a time. Be sure to select your desired store in order for the new Sale Price to apply correctly.

  12. Click the Upload File button (the rest of the options can remain as their defaults).
  13. You will receive a message on the bottom-right corner of the screen, indicating that the upload was successful, and that the system is processing the upload.
  14. You will see in the activity log that the file is in process, indicated by the yellow arrows to the far right of the line.
  15. Clicking on the refresh button (next to New Import) will update this page. Once the file has been processed, the icon to the far right will either be a green check, indicating a successful update, or a red warning, indicating an error. 
  16. If there was an error, you will have the ability to download a CSV file that indicates what the error was.

Automating your pricing uploads:


If you'd like to automate this pricing, we have a way to accomplish this. However, the file has to be in the same template as steps above.

  1. On your Dashboard, click on the Gear icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. click on Bulk -> FeedsScreenshot 2024-05-29 at 7.11.06 PM.png
  3. Click on "new feed" then fill out the blanks
    1. Feed Name: Can be anything. Make sure it's something descriptive of the selling channel you are looking to update - Example: "website pricing" or "eBay pricing"
    2. STFP Credentials: Choose default FTP
    3. Bulk Job Type: Choose Pricing and Shipping
    4. Filename Prefix: It can be anything - we recommend a filename that is easy to read and descriptive of your goal. Example: website-pricing 
        1. Note: this is a PREFIX - so your filename can contain any additional  
    5. Channel: Choose the selling channel you intend your file to update. you can only select one.However, you can use the same file (as long as it has a different filename and feed set up) to update multiple selling channels.
    6. Blank Field Handling
      1. Ignore: Any parts left out that also have a selling price (from previous uploads) will be left untouched.
      2. Reset: Any parts not on the file will reset to their original value. Most current file will always be the source of truth if you choose this option.Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 7.12.19 PM.png

 The following section allows you to "map" any fields on the file you can generate from your end in case the tool you are using to export doesn't let you match the fields in our template. So for example, we need "BRAND" as a column, but your tool only allows "manufacturer brand", then that is what you enter on the right side. If the fields match exactly, no worry, just enter the exact fields that are on your file.

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 7.25.29 PM.png


Once you have set up the feed, the next step is to know where to send it!

It is quick and easy; follow these steps:


  1. Go to Settings again.
  2. Click on "Bulk" -> "SFTP Credentials" -> "New Credentials"
  3. You will now see a box like the one below, here's what each of these fields mean. Please make sure to fill them all out:
    1. Name: Name of the feed. You can choose something generic such as "pricing and shipping feed". This will just help you down the road to know why you created this feed, and if you have multiple, it will help you set them apart from each other.
    2. Username: We generated this for you, and it cannot be changed. However, it will always be visible to you.
    3. Password: We also generate this for you, and it also cannot be changed. However, it's only visible once. Please make sure you save this password somewhere safe. You will need it every time you want to connect to your FTP (and when you are setting up the scheduled file transfer)
    4. SFTP Location: always use - this will not ever change.Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 7.34.32 PM.png

A couple of notes: If it asks you for a port, use port 22, and the protocol is SFTP.

Once the above is set up, the last step is to ensure you log into the FTP and drop the files. If you have any issues setting this up, please reach out to our Support team.

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