
The RevolutionParts eBay platform uses several listing statuses to help manage your current listings. From the Manage Dashboard, the status bar provides a quick view of how many listings you have in each status. Each of the sections in the status bar contains a link that can be clicked to show the listings that are currently in that status.

  • The first section is your "Live" listings. This is all of the listings that are currently active on eBay. You can view and edit any of these listings at any time.
    You can also click on the arrow next to the "Edit" button and exclude or delist any listing in the "Live" status.
  • The next section is "Out of Stock" listings. This is all listings that would be "Live" if you had any quantity on hand (QOH). As soon as an inventory file is uploaded that includes inventory of these items, they will automatically be listed and move to the "Live" listings section. 
  • Next is the "Ready to List" listings. Listings generally end up in this status when they are new in your inventory upload, were previously excluded, or were missing information that has since been updated.
    To push these "Ready to List" listings live, you have 3 options;
    1. The first is to click on the arrow next to the "Edit" button, and click "List."
    2. The second is to use the checkbox next to the listings to select one or more listings, and then click the "List" button at the top of the page.
    3. The third is the "List All" button, which will push every listing in the "Ready to List" status live.
  • The next section is "Missing Info." This is where all of your listings that are missing a necessary piece of information (such as weights and dimensions) will end up.
    You can click on the "Edit" button of any listing to find out what information is missing.

  • Next is the "Excluded" listings. This is where all listings that have been manually excluded show up. Excluded listings are listings that would be listed (they aren't missing info, aren't filtered, aren't out of stock, etc), but you don't want to list them for one reason or another. You can manually exclude listings from any other status by clicking the arrow next to the listing and selecting, "Exclude." 
    You can click on the "Edit" button to find out why it was excluded.

    You can also click on the arrow next to the "Edit" button to "Unexclude" the listing manually.
  • Last, we have "Filtered" listings. These are listings that are filtered for any reason, such as oversized shipping (which eBay does not support), or items that we have have never received inventory data on (this is different than 0 QOH).
    • You can also manually control your listing filters by clicking on the gear to access your account settings, selecting "Store Settings," your eBay store, then "Listing Filters."
    • Here, you can set which categories you want to create listings for. You can also filter listings by price range.
  • You can click on the "Edit" button to find out why a listing was filtered.

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