
This article will teach you how to set up PayPal's newest credit card processing service, Braintree, in your RevolutionParts Control Panel!

  • First, log into your Control Panel and click, "Payments" in the Helpful Tools bar at the bottom of your Dashboard.


  • Then, click on the drop-down menu and select, "Braintree."  Then click the "Activate" button.


  • Click the large black button to connect your Braintree account to your RevolutionParts store (don't worry if you don't have a Braintree account yet; you'll be prompted with the choice to either log in or create a new account).


  • If you have an existing Braintree account, click the second tab named, "Already have an account?" Otherwise, enter the email address you want associated with your Braintree account, create a password for that account, and click, "Agree and Create Account."  Be sure to read any Braintree terms or policies of Braintree's service (available above the "Agree" button).

  • You'll now be prompted to set up your account by providing Braintree with various information about yourself and your company.  Although the information in the screenshots below is fake, please use your real information when signing up for your Braintree account.

  • Enter the information for your business.


  • Enter your business' processing information.  This refers to your business as a whole, NOT your online sales.


  • Enter your delivery information, including when you typically charge the buyer (when order is placed or when order is shipped) and how soon you usually deliver. 


  • Enter the bank information you want associated wth your Braintree account. 


  •  Finally, authorize your RevolutionParts store to access your newly created Braintree account.  Click the "Agree and Return" button, and you're all set!


With Braintree enabled, this is what your credit card processing will look like on the buyer's end of your site:


All done!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Support department by emailing or calling 480-779-7278.

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