
Your eBay store can handle two types of categories (Custom or eBay categories). We highly recommend that you enable eBay Categories to better suit your product listings. Why do we recommend setting up product categories? If eBay categories are not enabled, all product listings with be put under the “Other” category. This is a poor experience for customers who shop on your eBay store.

Follow the below steps to enable eBay categories:

  1. Revert back to the old store layout by clicking on the red door next to the eBay User ID.
  2. Once the page populates click on “Revert my old Store” on the top right hand side of the page.
  3. Go to My eBay and move your cursor above the account tab until you see a pull-down menu.
  4. Select “Manage my store”
  5. On the left navigation under “Store Design” click on “Display Settings”.
  6. Scroll down to the “Theme and Display” segment, within the “Left navigation bar settings” click “Change” on the right
  7. Select “eBay Categories”
  8. Click “Save Settings”

To create custom categories, follow the below steps (in place of eBay Categories):

  1. Revert back to the old store layout by clicking on the red door next to the eBay User ID 
  2. Once the page populates click on “Revert my old Store” on the top right hand side of the page 
  3. Go to My eBay and move your cursor above the account tab until you see a pull-down menu
  4. Select “Manage my store”
  5. Click the “Store Categories” link
  6. Click the “Add Category” button

Since you have reverted your eBay store to the old interface you will need to contact eBay to assist with changing your store back to the current eBay interface. To read more on adding store categories click here! For all other questions please contact

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