While preparing to launch your new eBay store, it can often let us serve you better if we can review reports of your current eBay listings and/or your most recent selling history. Here are instructions for generating these reports so we can take a look in an effort to make your eBay launch successful.
- Log in to your eBay account.
- Under 'My eBay', scroll down to 'Seller Tools' > 'File Management Center'.
- From here, select 'Create a Download Request' under 'Downloads'.
- Now select either 'Active' for active listings or 'Sold' for selling history from the drop-down menu. Then you'll just need to enter our email address (ebaypilot@revolutionparts.com) so that the report file can be sent to us directly.
- NOTE: For the 'Sold' report, please set the date range for the last full 90 days of your most recent selling history.

- Once you've set up the details for the report we need, along with our email address, and hit 'Save', you're all set. Just repeat the process if we need more than one report. Once we've received all required reports we'll begin our review process and keep you informed about any changes we might think necessary.
Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this article.
eBay concerns should be sent to ebaypilot@revolutionparts.com.
Standard Revolution Parts site concerns should be sent to support@revolutionparts.com.