Please note: RevolutionParts Technical Support agents can only offer technical support to dealerships using one of the RevolutionParts platforms, third parties given direct permission (ie. a marketing firm), or potential clients looking to use the RevolutionParts platform.
Our support staff cannot and will not offer technical support or assistance to dealership customers (buyers) or consumers. Our support staff is strictly prohibited from interacting with any consumer on behalf of a dealership. Technical Support agents are also prohibited from contacting Dealerships on behalf of consumers.
Our interaction with consumers is prohibited for the following reasons:
- Sensitive dealership information may need to be discussed, such as payment information, fraudulent settings, restricted accounts, etc.
- RevolutionParts Technical Support representatives cannot be liable for any discrepancies on orders, payments, or catalog information involving buyers.
- RevolutionParts Technical Support representatives cannot change nor alter the website without written consent from the dealership, including changes affecting any consumer orders, parts, payments, etc.
Any questions or concerns that involve consumers must be brought to the RevolutionParts Technical Support staff by the dealership or the associated parts department. Dealerships are prohibited from directing consumers to the RevolutionParts Technical Support agents for assistance. Dealerships are encouraged to bring any issues or questions to the RevolutionParts Technical Support agents by emailing or by calling (877) 587-4287!