
This article will walk you through the steps to upload a custom Sale Price for the OEM catalog!

  1. Download our bulk upload Pricing & Shipping file template and open it in Excel (or a similar spreadsheet program).  CLICK HERE
    (note: You'll need to be logged into the platform to be able to click the link)

  2. You only need 3 columns filled out to update the pricing, PARTNUMBERBRAND, and SALESPRICE and/or SHIPPINGPRICE.

  3. Add the part numbers, brands, and desired sale prices to your spreadsheet for all parts you want to update. Be sure to keep all other columns in the spreadsheet - do not delete the unused columns.
  4. Save your spreadsheet (be sure to keep it in CSV format).
  5. On your Dashboard, click on the Gear icon in the upper-right corner.
  6. Select Bulk then Imports from the left-side menu.
  7. Click on the green New Import button.
  8. From the drop-down menu, select Pricing and Shipping.

  9. Click the Select File button, choose the CSV that you updated earlier and hit OK.
  10. Select the store where you want your new sale price to apply.

    BE AWARE: the Sale Price field is a store specific field, meaning it can only be applied to one store at a time. Be sure to select your desired store in order for the new Sale Price to apply correctly.

  11. Click the Upload File button (the rest of the options can remain as their defaults).
  12. You will receive a message on the bottom-right corner of the screen, indicating that the upload was successful, and that the system is processing the upload.
  13. You will see in the activity log that the file is in process, indicated by the yellow arrows to the far right of the line.
  14. Clicking on the refresh button (next to New Import) will update this page. Once the file has been processed, the icon to the far right will either be a green check, indicating a successful update, or a red warning, indicating an error. 
  15. If there was an error, you will have the ability to download a CSV file that indicates what the error was.
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