

  • File must be no larger than 50kb
  • Preferred pixel size for banner 750px by 90px
  • Preferred pixel size for logo 190px by 60px
  • File must be saved as GIF or JPG
  • Account must be a Premier or Business account

Lets get started:

  1. Log into your Paypal Account

  2.  Navigate to My Account page. Click "Profile".

  3. Select My Selling Tools.

  4. Scroll down to Custom Payment Pages and click Update to the far right. mceclip5.png

  5. Click the "Add" button to add new Payment Page template/style.

  6. Name your new template (use only letters and number, no spaces).mceclip3.png

  7. Upload your header or logo image to the images folder.

  8. If you are using a logo image only, enter the secure URL for that image (https:// ...) in the "Logo Image URL" textbox. Also enter the desired color settings in the other fields and then click Save.

  9. If you are using a header image, enter the secure URL for that image (https:// ...) in the "Header Image URL" textbox. If your PayPal banner has a white (#FFF) background leave the Header Background Image, Header Border Color and Background Color fields empty.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Lastly, after clicking "Save" on the Page Styles screen, select your new style and click "Make Primary".

  12. To preview your logo setup, click Preview and select Enhanced or Classic. mceclip7.png 

That's it! See an example below.


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