Discounts and promotions are a great way to bring customers back to your site. When used in conjunction with Abandoned Cart Savers, you can increase revenue while decreasing abandoned orders! Follow the steps below to create a promo code for your website.
- Log in to your Control Panel at
- Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the page to access your Account Settings.
- Under "Selling Channels" in the left-side menu, click to expand your store, then click the "Marketing" section, then click on "Promotions."
- Click the green "+New Campaign" button in the upper-right corner of the page.
- Name your campaign. This is not visible to customers, so it is recommended to name it something that will help you recognize the purpose of the promotion ("Abandoned Cart Saver", "Free Shipping", etc).
- Choose the campaign type, either a Promo Code or a Cart Promo.
- The Promo Code option will allow you to set up a promo code that is entered by the customer on check out. If you choose this option, complete the following steps.
- Create a promo code for your customers to enter.
- Decide if your promo will be single use, and choose the appropriate response from the drop-down menu.
- Single Use – Promo code can only be used once per customer email.
- Not Single Use – Promo code can be used multiple times by the same person on different orders.
- Create a promo code for your customers to enter.
- The Cart Promo option will allow you to set up a promotion that is automatically applied on checkout.
- The Promo Code option will allow you to set up a promo code that is entered by the customer on check out. If you choose this option, complete the following steps.
- Select the start and stop dates for your promo.
- Decide if the promo is active at this time. Use this setting if you need to suspend a promotion after it's active, or if you're not finished setting it up yet.
- Optionally, enter the minimum subtotal amount required before this code can apply.
- Select the type of promotion you are adding.
- Subtotal – Promo will deduct the order subtotal amount.
- Shipping – Promo will deduct the shipping amount.
Note: If you choose a Shipping promo, you will need to set the geographic area that this promo applies to.
- Domestic – Promo will apply only to orders within your country.
- International – Promo will only apply to orders outside of your country.
- All Locations – Promo will apply to all orders, regardless of location.
- Choose your discount amount, either in dollars off (USD), or percentage (%).
- If you choose percentage you can set a “Maximum discount amount for this code.”
- If you choose percentage you can set a “Maximum discount amount for this code.”
- Click the blue "Save Changes" button on the to-right corner of the page.
- Your completed promotion should now be listed on the "Promotions" page.
Be aware that while creating a promo code is recommended, the code won't be visible on the site by default. You'll likely want to promote your promo code by using your own internal marketing (Facebook, local advertising, etc), or by using your site's Sitewide Banner to draw attention to your code!