
There might come a time where you want to expand what you sell on your RevolutionParts store. One example of this is adding specialty catalogs. You can do this by creating custom categories, then adding custom products to those categories!

If you plan on having several categories and subcategories for your custom products, you can organize them with an online tool called WriteMaps allows you to organize your categories and subcategories in a detailed and thorough outline. WriteMaps lets you create up to 3 maps per month free of charge. You can sign up for WriteMaps here.

To create your category tree, start by creating the main categories. After that, you can add any subcategories below your main categories. Once your site map is created you can move to the next steps below. Your WriteMap may look something like this:

Adding Categories 

  1. Log into your account on
  2. From the top-menu, click "Products."
  3. Select the "Categories" tab on the left
  4. Click the green "+ New Category" button in the upper right
  5. Enter the Category Name in the popup box
  6. Click "Add Category"
  7. To edit the category, click on the pencil to the far right of said category
  8. To Add a Subcategory to a main category, Click on the + to the far right of the main category
  9. Name your subcategory
  10. Click "Add Category"

Now that you've created a custom category, please follow this Custom Product link to the steps explaining adding a custom product and how to add that custom product to a custom category.

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