
This article will explain how to set and update the shipping options for your eBay Canada store.

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page to go to your account settings.
  3. In the left-side menu under "Selling Channels," click to expand your eBay store, then click "Shipping."
  4. You'll see the following options, which we'll discuss below:


    • eBay Shipping Policies

      After you create a Shipping policy in your eBay account, select the business policy that will control your shipping options.
      The options are shown :


      If you make any changes to what was previously selected, make sure you "Refresh Business Policies" 
    • Ship from these locations:

  1. This setting allows you to select which warehouses you'd like to ship parts from. Select all that apply. 
  2. - Routing strategy:

    By default, your routing strategy will be set up as "stock level"
    There are other strategies, such as "Round robin" and "Closest to the buyer," you can choose.

    Make sure you put thought into your eBay strategy!

Reach out to our Support team if you have any questions or concerns.

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