
Released on February 3rd, 2023


We’d like to share a quick update on recent feature enhancements, as well as, highlight the work our team has been doing over the last several months to resolve reported issues. One of our main focuses at the end of 2022 was to resolve as many issues as possible. We are continuing to make improvements to our platform to ensure that it offers a complete and delightful experience for you and your customers.

Product Enhancements:

Shipping Protection Type in Order Fulfillment

We are working on new improvements to how you can protect your shipments, and in preparation for that, we changed how you can insure packages in Order Fulfillment. Instead of selecting a checkbox on a per package basis, you will now have one setting to select a shipping protection type for the entire order.

You will now see a dropdown above shipping quotes that will allow you to decide how you want to protect the order. From here you can choose from the following options:

  1. No shipping protection - Shipping quotes will not include insurance
  2. Insure with shipping carriers - Shipping quotes will include a markup for insurance through shipping carriers

We are excited to share more about the improvements we are making to shipping protection in a future update!

Changes to Processing Part Numbers with Leading Zeros

There were many issues that were tied to part numbers containing leading zeros that affected the Parts catalog. These issues lead to duplicate parts, difficulty searching for parts that had leading zeros, and issues with supersessions.

A fix was rolled out where any parts that have leading zeros will be stripped out internally on our backend to prevent these issues from happening in the future. This will not affect the shopping experience on web stores when users are searching for parts that have leading zeros.

Resolved Issues:

December 2022

  • A bug that prevented users from reintegrating their eBay credentials was resolved.
  • When filtering products by a specific category within the RevolutionParts platform, some accounts were finding that the results list was incomplete. This issue has now been resolved.
  • A bug that caused inventory updates to fail for part numbers containing a space has now been fixed.
  • An issue that caused product bundles to appear as $0 when featured on the homepage of a store was resolved.
  • An issue that prevented the Unit # from being passed to CanadaPost shipping labels generated through the RP Platform was resolved.
  • An issue that prevented part supersessions from being applied to some products within the Mopar catalog has been resolved.

November 2022

  • An issue that prevented return FedEx shipping labels from being sent when the customer phone number was missing or incomplete has been resolved. The missing phone number error message will now ensure that the return details are complete before a label is generated.
  • An issue that caused search result pagination to not work properly on eCommerce stores has been resolved.
  • The Products bulk export tool will now only include a value in the ‘Sales Price’ field if there is a fixed/custom override for the product.
  • A bug that temporarily caused quote checkout links to result in an error page was resolved.
  • A bug that caused stock levels to not appear on eCommerce store product pages was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented the buyer color selection when purchasing a variant with multiple colors from displaying on the order page was resolved.

October 2022

  • An issue that prevented bulk imports from fully processing due to memory issues was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented buyers from accessing the Contact Us page link on store-front plugin stores was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented pricing and availability of variants from updating live during the buyer experience was resolved.
  • A bug that caused excessive loading when creating a new quote, along with adding an item or a customer was resolved.
  • A bug that caused order status notification emails sent to buyers to appear in the Message Center inbox was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented buyers from using the "Order Status" tool on a web store or store-front plugin was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented changes in the Message Center from taking effect was resolved.
  • An issue that caused slow load times on plugin stores was resolved.
  • A bug that caused the dealer selection on the Contact Us page to appear blank on national stores was resolved.
  • A bug that caused the Supplier Performance report for superstores to not include cancellation rates was resolved.

September 2022

  • An issue that caused shipping to fall back to the default method when other shipping methods were available was fixed.
  • A bug that prevented users from shipping via USPS to a Canadian address was resolved.
  • On September 1, 2022, a bug that caused all marketplace orders to be inaccessible in the RP Platform for up to 4 hours was resolved.

August 2022

  • A bug that prevented users from fetching shipping quotes in Order Fulfillment was resolved.
  • An issue that prevented bulk imports to update Product information was fixed.
  • A bug that prevented orders from not displaying in Dashboard analytics in real time was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented Billing/Finance users from viewing Billing Methods and Invoices in the RP Platform was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented Products bulk exports from completing was resolved.
  • A bug that prevented Amazon orders from syncing in the RP Platform was resolved.
  • An issue that caused slow page load times on superstores that sell multiple brands was fixed.

July 2022

  • An issue that prevented the Products page in the RP Platform from loading was resolved.
  • An issue that prevented customer phone numbers from being sent to Shipworks was fixed.
  • A bug that prevented PCP customers from "charging a new credit card" for a partial amount when using the Charge type of authorization has been fixed.
  • An issue that caused order status notifications to appear in some Message Center inboxes has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused Net Profit to be miscalculated due to handling fees and orders with returns has been resolved.
  • A bug that prevented some users from collecting payment on orders after the CO retail delivery fee feature was released
  • A bug that caused a customer's custom shipping labels to no longer appear in Checkout was resolved.
  • A bug that caused the shipping quote to persist in the Quoting tool after products were removed from the quote was fixed.
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