You can integrate your shipping carrier accounts into your RevolutionParts Control Panel to use your negotiated rates for shipping charges, and to generate shipping labels directly through the Control Panel!
- Log into your account on
- Click the Account Settings gear on the top-right corner.
- In the left-side menu, expand "Shipping," then click on "Carriers."
- Click the green "+ Add New Credentials" button on the far right.
- Select your desired carrier from the dropdown.
- Give your carrier credentials a name. The name of the carrier integration is not customer-facing. Usually, the name of the carrier works fine.
- Enter the carrier credentials for your shipping account (FedEx, UPS, or USPS).
- If you're integrating FedEx, you'll need your Meter Number. Click here to learn how to get it!
- Click "Add Credential"
- If you need to remove a Shipping Carrier, click on the X symbol to the far right of your screen that aligns with the carrier you want to remove.